Monday, December 26, 2016

Big Ben - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template (Admin Templates)

Big Ben UI Framework is a premium Web Application Admin Dashboard built on top of Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework. We have carefully designed all common elements.

Big Ben helps you quickly build beautiful and accessible user interfaces for interactive web applications. Comes packed with lots of UI interactions, elements, components and styles. It was created to be the most functional, clean and well designed template for any types of backend applications.

template count


  • Clean, Lightweight & Fast
  • HTML5 & CSS3 layout
  • Built with Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Full responsive page layouts
  • 100% customizable pages
  • Well organized codes
  • Two versions: Light & Dark
  • Grid based system
  • Advanced jQuery plugins
  • Detailed documentation
template responsive

Special Pages

  • Messages (Inbox, View, Compose)
  • Tables (Basic, Data, Editable)
  • Maps (Google and Vector)
  • Nestable List
  • Activity Timeline
  • JustGage
  • Horizontal Timeline
  • Charts (Flot, Morris, Chartjs, Sparkline)
  • Log View
  • Month and Year Calendar

from ThemeForest new items

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