Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Smrithi - Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template (Admin Templates)

Smrithi is the new premium and fully responsive Multipurpose Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template. Concept of design for Smrithi is based on the FLAT design and finally it comes out with a clean and neat design. It is built on top of the popular Bootstrap Framework. Besides that, it is bundled with a lot of third party plugins and useable elements such as buttons, thumbnails, media objects and much more…

Features of Smrithi – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

  • Built with Bootstrap 4.0
  • 2 Color Template (Dark & Light)
  • 10 Admin Page Options
  • 5 Application Templates
  • 4 Panel Styles
  • 10+ Datatable Extensions
  • 125+ Pages
  • Dark & light Layout
  • Ajax DataTables Extension
  • Unlimited Nav Tabs
  • Bootstrap Table
  • Fully Responsive

Pages of Smrithi – Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

  • Dashboard
    • Dashboard v1
    • Dashboard v2
    • Dashboard v3
  • UI Elements
    • Basic Elements
      • Accordian
      • Alerts
      • Badges
      • Buttons
      • Cards
      • Carousel
      • Countdown
      • Dropdowns
      • Lightbox
      • Google Maps
      • Vector Maps
      • Modals
      • Pagination
      • Progress Bar
      • Notification
      • Tables
        • Regular Tables
        • Bootstrap Table
        • DataTables Default
        • DataTables Autofill
        • DataTables Buttons
        • DataTables Col Reorder
        • DataTables Fixed Col
        • DataTables Fixed Header
        • DataTables Key Table
        • DataTables Responsive
        • DataTables Row Reorder
        • DataTables Scroller
        • DataTables Select
        • DataTables Combination
        • Ajax DataTables (PHP DataSource)
      • Tabs
      • Tree View
      • Typography
      • Sweet Alert
      • Icon Block
      • Spinner Buttons
      • Testimonial Blocks
      • Comment Blocks
    • Charts
      • Morris Chart
      • Flot Charts
      • ChartJS
      • ECharts
      • Chartist
      • Rickshaw
      • AM Charts
      • High Charts
      • Fusion Charts
    • Recaptcha
      • Recaptcha
  • Essentials
    • Layout
      • Layouts
        • Dark Layout
        • Boxed Layout
        • Indent Layout
        • Full Screen Layout
        • Sticky Nav Bar Layout
        • Sticky Nav Bar Without Top Bar
        • Static Nav Bar
        • Transparent Nav Bar
        • Layout Witout Top Bar
        • Panel Styles
    • Authentication
      • Login
        • Login v1
        • Login v2
        • Login v3
      • Registration
        • Registration v1
        • Registration v2
      • Reset Password
      • Forgot Password
      • Lock Screen
    • Error Pages
      • Error Pages
        • 400
        • 500
        • 503
    • Cookie
      • Cookie
        • Cookie v1
        • Cookie v2
        • Cookie v3
    • Profile
      • Profile v1
    • E-Commerce Profile
      • E-Commerce Profile v1
    • Invoice
      • Invoice
        • Invoice v1
        • Invoice v2
        • Invoice v3
    • Search
      • Search Result
    • Icons
      • Material Icon
      • Font Awesome
      • Simple Line Icons
      • Weather Icons
      • Ionicons
    • Timeline
      • Timeline
        • Timeline v1
        • Timeline v2
        • Timeline v3
    • Email
      • Email Templates
        • Welcome Email
        • Order Confirmation
        • Payment Due
        • Forget Password
        • Activate Account
        • Birthday Wish
        • Table Data's Large
        • Table Data's Small
  • Forms
    • Form Elements
    • Form Plugins
    • Form Wizard + Validation
    • Form Validation
    • Editors
      • CK Editor
      • Summer Note
  • Applications
    • Scrumboard
    • Email Application
    • Chat Application
    • Contacts
      • Contact v1
      • Contact v2
    • Pricing
      • Pricing v1
      • Pricing v2
      • Pricing v3
  • Widgets



Change log:
  Version 1.0  i) Initial release  

from ThemeForest new items https://ift.tt/2KnJjux

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